среда, 30 ноября 2011 г.
Chaper 14. Love is a tender game.
воскресенье, 13 ноября 2011 г.
Chapter 13 in which Polar Princess meets Frostbitten Prince
пятница, 7 октября 2011 г.
пятница, 7 октября 2011 г.
Chapter 12. condensate
воскресенье, 2 октября 2011 г.
Chapter 11 back on track
понедельник, 26 сентября 2011 г.
Chapter 10, in which the Polar Princess and the Ray of Sun have snakes
воскресенье, 11 сентября 2011 г.
Introducing the Pink Fizhy
....- I don't know what's happening with me, Fizhy, I feel down, I can't sleep at night and I have these weird thoughts...I feel like I am ready for some life's wisdom.
- It's either you're in love or it's the side effect of the medicine you're taking.
- Always you have your sarcasm. I feel like I AM eating myself and if people gained weight from that, I would be pretty fat by now.
- Well, I think you have actually lost some weight during the past time. This is how you are looking from the objective point of view by now. Go and have some sex.
- But sex is a physical activity, I will loose the weight again.
- you are leading me to the battle field, I protest! You are not suppoesed to joke with these things.
- What am I anyway - mermaid Ariel? Speaking to a FISH!
- That's the spirit I like better.
четверг, 8 сентября 2011 г.
A fairy tale of a Polar Princess and a Ray of Sun
четверг, 18 августа 2011 г.
Battle ground
понедельник, 1 августа 2011 г.
Another dweller of the village
воскресенье, 3 июля 2011 г.
a boy named Decius
пятница, 1 июля 2011 г.
Juliet in the hospital
воскресенье, 12 июня 2011 г.
Athene's owl flies when the dusk comes
суббота, 11 июня 2011 г.
the ghost of Clytemnestra
четверг, 9 июня 2011 г.
Clytemnestra's Rache
воскресенье, 29 мая 2011 г.
Cross cap
пятница, 20 мая 2011 г.
in continuation of "Never stopping" topic
воскресенье, 15 мая 2011 г.
Don't stop under any circumstances.
среда, 4 мая 2011 г.
A mystireous woman
пятница, 1 апреля 2011 г.
Good stolen thoughts from others
Sigmund Freud
"I showed up to kickball with like 12 beers, kicked the ball, ran around the bases, and when I made it back to home plate, 4 of my beers were gone. I think my teammates secretly drank them and were trying to convince me I was drunk and that I didn't realize I pounded down a few drinks before the game started. Well, I wasn't drunk! Those jerks drank my beer! But in the end, I made some good friends and decided to give up my work and become a keyboardist in a band. Thanks, Kickball!"
Thomas Bernhard
"There was a time when my life was at a crossroads. My wife left me for another author and I found myself on a lazy diet of bread, mayonnaise, and pez candy. Kickball helped me get back on my feet because I realized there is more to life than being lonely and eating pez all the time. Now I have like 3 girlfriends and my 86' Ford Pinto is all pimped out. Thanks Kickball for drowning my sorrows in a less destructive way!"
Queen Sissi
"Yeah, so one day I'm in a heated argument with some "man" who says Kickball is a "man's" game, and I'm like, "Oh. No. You. Di'int. Let me tell you sumthin', Honey: If a man can do it, a woman can do it betta. Mmhmm, that's right! You best believe I said that to him! That following Sunday, I phoned up all my girlfriends and said, "Ladiez, it's time to show these men how to really get things done!" We beat them 20 - 10 and mocked them by sayin' "Bitch, please. You best not be comin' round here no more frontin' like you all hype! Go back to yo mamas, you Boyz, cuz this is our field!"
Ludwig van Beethoven
"Well, I'm not really Austrian but everyone thinks I am. I actually only play Kickball because I wish I was Austrian. I dunno.. I guess I'm kind of good at the game. But it's important that I get some weekly exercise, and what else am I gonna do on a Sunday?? Exactly. There's nothing else to do on a Sunday except for hang around the house and play cards with Mother. Kickball makes me feel alive because it's chaotic, I can taunt the other team, I make a lot of friends, and after the game we get beers together and drive the waitress crazy. It's like everything I ever wanted in life except without burritos."
Johann Strauss II
"I just show up every week so I can beat Beethoven's ass in a friendly game of Kickball. Pretty eeeasy."
понедельник, 28 марта 2011 г.
четверг, 17 марта 2011 г.
вторник, 15 марта 2011 г.
Age minority
понедельник, 7 марта 2011 г.
3 jokes that I made up myself
Bad girls get into history

The woman's day is approaching, so my American friend sent me this piece of information about a bad ass woman from his region, Livingston, Montana.
UNO city
Today your loyal servant visited the UNO city - where the buildings of UN, Atomic Security, Disarming Treaty, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and Industrial Development Organization is located. Nothing special except for the fact that I have been there. Just some pictures on the walls, sculptures in the yard - presents from other countires; offices and conference rooms.
среда, 2 марта 2011 г.
I am drawing the path to Jerusalem...
понедельник, 28 февраля 2011 г.
The Blue Rider

The second museum that I visited was Albertina. It now has the collection of The Blue Rider, expressionist artistic movement of the beginning of the 20th century (I am smart in paintings, aren't I?)) Now goes not the encyclopedic info, but rather personal impression. Well, Kandinsky and Klee are way too abstract. Others drew boringly the animals. But I was rather impressed by Kubin. (If you can be impressed by the modern artists anyway). His paintings are more or less understandable, melancoly, depressive. I will attach couple images, so that u can see yourself.
"And the Great Mao has lit up us the way"

Thanks to my Kultur Pass, which I absolutlely adore, love and kiss-kiss-kiss, I have a free entrance in some museums, theaters, and other places in Vienna. This weekend I visited two museums. the first one - Museum of Ethnology - had an exhibition of China Cultural Revolution,. Which was rather boring to me, as there was only staff depicting Mao Zedong - cups, badges, clothes, u name it. But still it is good to know that such things existed not to repeat it in future, right?
Japanese idioms
суббота, 19 февраля 2011 г.
четверг, 3 февраля 2011 г.
A German lesson
вторник, 1 февраля 2011 г.
A tribute to Rah-rah camp
This weekend I was a councilor at a youth camp. Was my so to say baptism of fire. 30 young people and 6 councilors in a remote youth house Schacherhof. The topic was "Growing up. A dream and a nightmare". I remember the 10 stations that we had. There the youngsters were to run from Sudoku puzzles to basketball ground, from insect memory (hahaha) to ultimate Frisbee, from reading complicated scientific texts to knitting and learning poetry and so on.
I was responsible for the kitchen on the dinner of the second day. We had this dinner in the total darkness. My shift cooked potato puree with sausages and a cucumber. The campers were supposed to guess what they were eating and eat in the dark. The funny thing was that puree turned out a bit liquid, but it was all right. Also funny was the fact that teenagers thought that in the dark they were less heard, so they shouted to each other until one of the more experienced councilors told them to quit.
The evening theatrical performance was a hit as well. They were divided in groups and given a task to perform a drama skit in the style of Traumschiff (The Love Ship) soap opera. They were also given 5 stupid words that they were supposed to use somewhere in the show. The words were like “fremdschämen“, „epic fail“, “Maya calendar”, “facebook”, “materialist” and of course the already legendary song “Hey, slow down. What do you want from us?”
I cant wait for the next camps )))))))))))))))
среда, 19 января 2011 г.
5 euros
понедельник, 17 января 2011 г.

I should b sleeping long time now, but I have seen this (picture above). Explanation: my blog appeared shyly in the Chrome panel alongside with the other crap sites I am most oftenly visiting. This means that our relationship has gone into a new phase. U may call it " a shift from flowers and candies to dirty underware and no make up". It also means that now whenever I have an idea that represents the slightest interest, it will be immediately pinned to the blog like an easily caught butterfly by the nerdy catcher.
Cupuaçu butter
суббота, 15 января 2011 г.
MAK museum, incrusted glasses, Khmer temple and Kelly bag
Angkor Wat is an absolutely ofigenniy Khmer temple complex in Cambodia, which stands on... (Zadornov - hold your breath) on a fuckin water. If you want to IMPRESS people, ask Khmers how to do it (that is in case u happen to encounter a live Khmer) http://images.google.com.ua/images?hl=ru&source=imghp&biw=1138&bih=549&q=Angkor+Wat&gbv=2&aq=f&aqi=g1&aql=&oq= )
вторник, 11 января 2011 г.
observation area
воскресенье, 9 января 2011 г.
Memoires of a lame tourist. Salzburg
Salzburg. The sarcastic view. This micro town in the micro country of Austria…… No wonder I knew nothing about it (the country) when I came here, whereas I knew quite a lot about Germany. Human greediness. This is how u can explain the existence of such petite countries as Lichtenstein, Malta (goodness grace), and of course Austria. Look at Russia and Ukraine’s size for instance. No greediness there – vAst Slavic soul. Or like China…. Speaking about Salzburg. Small city. A fortress that is all so flashy and medieval from the look, but inside – u pay the bloody 7 euros for entrance - and get 3 decayed roomies and a free ride on the funicular (ha, new flashy nerdy term) back.
Stupid Mozart chocolate balls. What could be more stupider? Not tasty at all. And then there is this flimflam division into the not-real red balls and real (more expensive of course) blue ones. Give me a break!
Private Mozart museum. I mean if it’s private, it doesn’t mean that after paying ANOTHER SEVEN EUROs, u get only 3 miserable babyrooms where his musical majesty Mozart lived. This city succumbs on the noble name of Mozart but the poor guy if he lived till nowadays wouldn’t have stood this gobbledygookness.
I mean – of course there were some good points, like these little labirynth-like streets and the puppet show (which we didn’t see), and a cheap hostel and a dome with a museum where u can get a discount if u belong to a church (ha!), and some Alps views. But Salzburg should still work hard on the above listed points if he doesn’t want to disappoint such picky (or should I say lame?) tourists like me ))