I should b sleeping long time now, but I have seen this (picture above). Explanation: my blog appeared shyly in the Chrome panel alongside with the other crap sites I am most oftenly visiting. This means that our relationship has gone into a new phase. U may call it " a shift from flowers and candies to dirty underware and no make up". It also means that now whenever I have an idea that represents the slightest interest, it will be immediately pinned to the blog like an easily caught butterfly by the nerdy catcher.
P.S. Don't disdain the amount of times to look at the screenshot that u r posting.
P.P.S. Had I worked in Ecommerce till now, my blog would have been technically fancier ;-)
Now that I have supposedly interested u in my blog with a) my intimate emotions b) the colourfulest stylistic possible c) not quite qualitative sarcasm, u r more than excitied to heara bit more on the history of its creation. Now I have 4 followers but close is the day when I will have hundreds of 'em (and then I will start making some money on commercial))))
Well, the recent posts were inspired by this blog http://kitya.livejournal.com/
I have discovered that I am good at copying people. But at the same time I hate copying people.
others who have influenced it: Alexander Gudim, (a mere coinsidence), a prominent Ukrainian rock star and by the providence of heaven - my former group mate. And thats about it, not much influencers. I hate the name of the blog - anasdieries is the lamest name possible, but I believe it cannot b changed
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