воскресенье, 1 ноября 2009 г.


Ho-ho-ho, my drugi. Time has come to tell you what a beautiful datcha I have. Last weekend my father, sister and I went there to relax. In the beginning we worked a bit, pulled some trava. Then we prepared shashlik, and let me tell ya what a delicious one it was! After we slept for 12 full chasi in a warm house, even though it was very cholodno outside. During the day we enjoyed the krasota of autumn. How could I not have liked autumn before? It is so beautiful, such colors, such emotions – the swan song of nature. In the morning we went for rybalka. It is a nice felling to catch some fishes, let me tell ya. On my dacha there I a decorative swimming pool with rocks all around it. Father has bought juniper there and calls it a place of connection with cosmos.